The big list of personal events


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This is an incomplete list of all the hard-coded Event types in along with the various synonyms that you can use via Google Assistant/ Google Home to invoke them. For example, you can say, "I had a double-double from Tim's" and EventLoggers will know you drank a coffee.

Jump to: Eating | Drinking | Sleep | Work/school | Wellness | (more to come)


Event category: Eating

Events Parameters Google Synonyms
breakfast Types of Foods breakfast
brunch Types of Foods brunch
lunch Types of Foods lunch
dinner Types of Foods dinner, supper
snack Types of Foods snack, snacked, for a snack

Parameter: Types of Foods (select multiple)

Options Google Synonyms
cereals cereal, cereals, cinnamon toast crunch, frosted flakes, fruit loops, honey bunches of oats, honey combs, honey nut cheerios, lucky charms, mini wheats, muesli, musli, oatmeal, porridge, raisin bran, rice crispies
pasta bucatini, cannelloni, fettuccine, lasagne, linguine, mac and cheese, macaroni, orzo, pad thai, pasta, penne, ravioli, rigatoni, spaghetti, tortellini
rice arborio rice, basmati rice, brown rice, converted rice, jasmine rice, long grain rice, parboiled rice, rice, rice pilaf, sticky rice, white rice, wild rice
bread bagel, baguette, banana bread, bannock, biscuit, bread, bread sticks, breadsticks, brioche, brown bread, brown toast, bun, challah, chapati, ciabatta, cornbread, crackers, croutons, english muffin, flatbread, focaccia, lavash, maaatzo, naan, paratha, pita, pizza, pumpernickel, rye bread, sandwhich, sandwich, scone, sourdough, toast, tortilla, white bread, whole wheat, whole wheat bread, whole wheat toast
other grains  
fruit apple, apricot, avocado, banana, blackberry, blueberries, blueberry, cantaloupe, cherry, clementine, cranberry, currants, date, durian, elderberry, fig, fruit, grape, grapefruit, grapes, guava, honeydew, kiwi, lychee, mango, melon, mulberry, nectarine, orange, papaya, passionfruit, peach, pear, pineapple, plum, raisin, raspberry, strawberry, tangerine, watermelon
potatoes baked potato, hash browns, home fries, latke, mashed potatoes, patatas bravas, potato salad, potatoes, roasted potatoes, sweet potatoes, tater tots, yam
soup bisque, chowder, consomme, soup
vegetables artichoke, asparagus, brocolli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, corn, eggplant, endive, fiddleheads, mushroom, okra, olives, onions, peas, peppers, radicchio, rutabaga, squash, tomato, turnip, veg, vegetables, veggie, veggies, zucchini
leafy greens bok choy, chard, collarad greens, kale, leafy greens, lettuce, raapini, romaine, romaine lettuce, salad, spinach, swiss chard, watercress
milk choclate milk, clotted cream, condensed milk, cream, creme fraiche, cultured milk, evaporated milk, half and half, infant formula, khoa, milk, whole milk
milk alternatives  
yogurt almonnd yogurt, australian yogurt, coconut yogurt, goat milk yogurt, greek yogurt, icelandic yogurt, kefir, sheep milk yogurt, skyr, soy yogurt, yogurt, yogurt drink
cheese au gratin, brie, camembert, cheddar, cheese, chevre, cottage cheese, cream cheese, curds, feta, goat cheese, gouda, monterey jack, mozzeralla, paneer, parmasean, quark, roquefort
other dairy butter, buttermilk, casein, clabber, clarified butter, custard, gelato, ghee, ice cream, kajmak, other dairy, skyr, smen, viili
red meat bacon, beef, goat, hot dog, hot dogs, kielbasa, lamb, mutton, pepperoni, pork, red meat, sausage, steak, veal, venison, wieners
poultry chicken, duck, ground turkey, grouse, partridge, pheasant, poultry, ptarmigan, quail, turkey, turkey bacon, turkey kielbasa
faux meat faux meat, tofu, tofu dogs, veggie burger
eggs eggs, eggs benedict, frittata, hard boiled egg, omelet, omelette, omlet, poached eggs, quiche, quiche lorraine, raw egg, scrambled eggs, soft boiled egg
fish or seafood calamari, clams, crab, fish, lobster, oyster, oysters, salmon, scallops, seafood, shrimp, squid, tuna
beans, lentils, peas, legumes beans, black beans, chick pea, chickpeas, garbonzo beans, hummus, kidney beans, lentils, lupins, peas
nuts and seeds almond, almonds, cashews, hazel nuts, nuts, peanut, peanuts, pecan, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, seeds, walnuts
nut extracts almond butter, nut extracts, peanut butter
sweets and treats cake, candy, cheese cake, cheesecake, chips, chocolate, chocolate bar, cookies, crisps, cupcake, donuts, doughnuts, ice cream, licorice, pastries, pie, popcorn, potato chips, pretzels, pudding, sweets, tart, treats
pet food cat food, dog food, kibble, pet food


Event category: Drinking

Events Parameters Google Synonyms
beer Amount Keystone Light, Michelob, Michelob Ultra, Miller High Life, Modelo Especial, Natural Ice, Natural Light, Pabst, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Stella, Stella Artois, Yuengling, ale, alexander keiths, barley wine, beer, beers, bitter, blue moon, bock, brown ale, bud light, budweiser, busch, carling, carling lager, cider, coors banquet, coors light, corona, cream ale, doppelbock, dos equis, gose, guinness, heineken, helles, icehouse, india pale ale, labatt blue, lager, lambic, miller, molson canadian, pale ale, pilsner, pint, porter, saison, sleeman, steel reserve, stout, trappist beer, tripel, wheat beer
coffee Amount Americano, Cafè Americano, Café Latte, Café au lai, Cappuccino, Espresso, Flat White, Long Black, Macchiato, Mochaccino, Piccolo Latte, Ristretto, coffee, cup of joe, doppio, double double, latte, mocha, short black, turkish coffee, vienna
energy drink Amount Amp, Full Throttle, NOS, energy drink, monster, red bull, rock star, rockstar
juice Amount apple juice, beet juice, carrot juice, coconut water, cran raspberry juice, cranberry juice, grape juice, grapefruit juice, juice, lemonade, orange juice, papaya juice, pinnapple juice, pomegranate juice, prune juice, strawberry juice, tomato juice, v8, wheatgrass juice
milk Amount baby formula, bottle fed, breast fed, cow milk, formula, milk, nursed, nursing
mixed drink Amount Daiquiri, French 75, Gimlet, Manhattan, Margarita, Martinez, Martini, Mimosa, Mint Julep, Moscow Mule, Negroni, Pimm's Cup, Sazerac, Sidecar, Whiskey Sour, gin and tonic, irish coffee, jack and coke, mixed drink, old fashioned, vodka tonic
other alcohol drink Amount on the rocks, other alcohol drink, scotch neat, shot of, shot of vodka
other beverage Amount hot chocolate, hot cocoa, other beverage
soda pop Amount 7 up, cherry fanta, coke, diet coke, dr pepper, fanta, grape fanta, mango fanta, mountain dew, orange fanta, pepsi diet pepsi, pop, seven up, soda, soda pop, sprite, strawberry
tea Amount tea
water Amount club soda, mineral water, perrier, sparkling water, tonic water, water
wine Amount Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Gewürztraminer, Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Syrah, Zinfandel, chablis, champagne, malbac, merlot, port, porto, red wine, sherry, shiraz, vino, white wine, wine

Parameter: Amount (single value)

Options Google Synonyms
default unit: ml NOTE: You can speak the Amount of your beverage in any of the following units and Event Loggers will convert it for storage in millilitres.
options are: millilitre, litre, ounce, cup, quart, pint, gallon


Event category: Sleep Related

Events Parameters Google Synonyms
sleeping no additional parameters sleeping, bed time, bedtime, fall asleep, fell asleep, go to bed, going to bed, got in bed, heading to bed, in bed, into bed, nodded off, off to bed, sleeping, slept, time for bed, went to bed, nap, cat nap, had a nap, nap, napped, took a nap
dream no additional parameters Not yet implemented
sleep-interuption no additional parameters sleep interruption

Event category: Work/School

Events Parameters Google Synonyms
commute no additional parameters commute, commuted, rode the bus, took the bus
day care no additional parameters attended day care, child care, childcare, day care, daycare, is in day care
school no additional parameters attended school, school
work no additional parameters at work, started work, work, worked, working
volunteer no additional parameters not yet implemented

Event category: Wellness

Events Parameters Google Synonyms
health visit Type of Visit,
appointment with my chiropractor, appointment with the chiropractor, back cracker, chiropractor appointment, appointment with my dentist, appointment with the dentist, dentist appointment, dentist's appointment, teeth cleaning, appointment with my doctor, doctor appointment, doctor's appointment, physician appointment, appointment with my massuese, massage, massage appointment, my massage appointment, appointment with my physiotherapist, had physio, physio, physio appointment, physiotherapist appointment, physiotherapy appointment, appointment with my foot doctor, appointment with my podiatrist, appointment with the podiatrist, foot doctor, podiatrist appointment


  • "My dentist appointment was at 2:30 pm. It finished 20 minutes ago."
  • "Log my appointment."
  • "My physiotherapy appointment was at 2pm today for 40 minutes. It went very well."
breaths per minute Breaths per Minute not yet implemented
blood pressure / heart rate Systolic,
Heart Rate
blood pressure, bp, blood pressure reading
blood oxygen level Blood Oxygen Levels blood oxygen level, blood oxygen, blood oxygenation, oxygen reading, o2 level
body measurement Height,
NOTE: simply use the various parameter synonyms
height Height height, length, tall
medications no additional parameters medicine, antibiotics, aspirin, aspirins, drug, ibuprofin, injection, mask, medication, medicinal, meds, pills, prescription, puffer, remedy, steroid, steroids, tylenol, tylenols
sauna no additional parameters not yet implemented
supplements no additional parameters biotin, calcium, calcium pill, daily aspirin, folic acid, glucosamine, keratin, magnesium, probiotics, supplements, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamins
symptoms and incidents Symptom or Incident,
Affected Areas
NOTE: simply use the various parameter synonyms
temperature Body Temperature temperature
weigh-in Weight,
Body Fat,
weight, weigh in, weigh-in

Parameter: Symptoms (single select)

Options Google Synonyms
bloating bloating, bloatted
blurred vision blurred sight, blurred vision, fuzzy sight, looks blurry, trouble seeign
coldness are cold, coldness, is cold
congestion congestion, runny nose, stuffed up
conjunctivitis conjunctivitis, pink eye
cough cough, frog in throat, tickle in throat
diarrhea diareaha, diarrhea, loose poo, loose poop, loose stool, montazuma's revenge, the runs, the trots
dizziness dizziness, dizzy, faintness, unsteady, wooziness, woozy
ear ache ear ache
fainting faint, fainted, fainting
fatigue ennui, fatigue, lethargic, listless, over tired, overtired, weary
fever fever, running a temperature
headache headache
heart palpitation fluttering heart, heart fluttering, heart is racing, heart palpitation, palpitation, pounding heart, racing heart
heartburn acid reflux, cardialgia, heartburn, indigestion
hoarseness hoarse, hoarseness, throaty
incontinence bedwetting, day wetting, daytime wetting, incontinence, peed the bed, soiled, wet the bed
loss of hearing hard of hearing, loss of hearing, trouble hearing
oral health bleeding gums, broken tooth, cracked tooth, dry mouth, loose filling, loose tooth, mouth sore, oral health, receding gums, sore in mouth, swollen gums, toothache
other symptom other symptom
poisoning poisoning
shortness of breath can't breathe, can't catch breath, gasping, out of breath, panting, short of breath, short winded, short-winded, shortness of breath, winded
speech difficulty can't talk, slowed speach, slurred speech, slurring, speech difficulty, trouble speaking
sweating excessive sweating, perspiring, sweating, sweaty
tinnitus ear noise, ears ringing, noise in ear, ringing ears, ringing in the ear, ringing of the ear, tinnitus
vomit dry heave, gag, heave, hurl, puke, retch, spew, spit up, throw up, upchuck, vomit
wheezing wheezing


Parameter: Incident (single select)

Options Google Synonyms
ache ache, ached, aches, aching, hurts, pain, sore, soreness, throbbed, throbbing
bleeding bleeding, blood, bloody, hemorrhage
bruise black eye, bruise, bruised, bruising, bump, bumped, contusion
burn burn, scald, scorch, singe
cramp charlie horse, cramp, pang, stitch
cut cut, gash, laceration, nick, pricked, slash, stab
fracture broke, broken, fracture
hives hives
itching irritation, itchiness, itching
numbness numbness
other trauma other trauma
rash rash
sprain sprain, strained
sting bee sting, bit by a deer fly, bit by a horsefly, mosquito bite, sting, stung, wasp sting
sunburn sunburn, sunburnt
swelling hump, inflammation, protuberance, puffiness, puffy, swelling
tingling tingling
tremor shaking, shaky, tremble, trembling, tremor, wobble, wobbling