Once you become a Member you'll be able to view your family's events alongside your own.
}else{ $colours['breakfast'] = '#009688'; $colours['brunch'] = '#00897B'; $colours['lunch'] = '#00796B'; $colours['dinner'] = '#00695C'; $colours['snack'] = '#004D40'; $colours['water'] = '#E3F2FD'; $colours['juice'] = '#BBDEFB'; $colours['milk'] = '#90CAF9'; $colours['coffee'] = '#64B5F6'; $colours['tea'] = '#42A5F5'; $colours['soda pop'] = '#2196F3'; $colours['energy drink'] = '#1E88E5'; $colours['beer'] = '#1976D2'; $colours['wine'] = '#1565C0'; $colours['mixed drink'] = '#0D47A1'; $colours['other alcohol drink'] = '#82B1FF'; $colours['other beverage'] = '#448AFF'; $colours['sleeping'] = '#D1C4E9'; $colours['fall asleep'] = '#D1C4E9'; $colours['nap'] = '#B39DDB'; $colours['dream'] = '#311B92'; $colours['sleep-interuption'] = '#9575CD'; $colours['commute'] = '#FFCDD2'; $colours['day care'] = '#EF9A9A'; $colours['school'] = '#E57373'; $colours['work'] = '#EF5350'; $colours['family time'] = '#80D8FF'; $colours['family visits'] = '#40C4FF'; $colours['vacation / travel'] = '#00B0FF'; $colours['socializing'] = '#0091EA'; $colours['listening'] = '#29B6F6'; $colours['reading'] = '#03A9F4'; $colours['watch movie'] = '#0288D1'; $colours['watch tv'] = '#0277BD'; $colours['watch youtube'] = '#039BE5'; $colours['web surfing'] = '#BF360C'; $colours['gaming'] = '#4FC3F7'; $colours['misc leisure'] = '#01579B'; $colours['personal 1'] = '#FAFAFA'; $colours['personal 2'] = '#F5F5F5'; $colours['personal 3'] = '#EEEEEE'; $colours['exercise'] = '#66BB6A'; $colours['gardening'] = '#81C784'; $colours['shovelling'] = '#81C784'; $colours['yard word'] = '#81C784'; $colours['diaper change'] = '#FCE4EC'; $colours['clean'] = '#F8BBD0'; $colours['dishes'] = '#F48FB1'; $colours['laundry'] = '#F06292'; $colours['prepare meal'] = '#EC407A'; $colours['other chores'] = '#E91E63'; $colours['chauffering'] = '#D81B60'; $colours['shopping'] = '#C2185B'; $colours['other errands'] = '#AD1457'; #$colours[''] = ''; $chart_owner = $user->uid; $family_ids_raw = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT e.endpoints_entity_id AS myid FROM sen_field_data_endpoints e JOIN sen_relation r ON r.vid = e.entity_id JOIN sen_field_data_field_family_order f ON f.entity_id = e.endpoints_entity_id WHERE e.delta = 0 AND r.uid = :userid ORDER BY f.field_family_order_value ASC", array(":userid" => $chart_owner)); foreach($family_ids_raw AS $family_idResult_raw) { #see if show on lists is set to 'show' $show = ''; $show = db_query("SELECT field_family_show_value FROM sen_field_data_field_family_show WHERE entity_id = :userid", array(":userid" => $family_idResult_raw->myid))->fetchField(); #print "$family_idResult_raw->myid status is $show
"; if ($show == 'hide'){ }else{ $family_ids[] = $family_idResult_raw->myid; } } watchdog('eventlogger alter2','raw family ids are ' . print_r($family_ids, true) . ''); if (!$family_ids){ print 'No family members or subusers'; watchdog('eventlogger alter2','No family members or subusers'); $subuser_group_id = db_query("SELECT entity_id FROM sen_field_data_endpoints WHERE endpoints_entity_id = :userid", array(":userid" => $user->uid))->fetchField(); watchdog('eventlogger alter2','user has no subusers but uid is: ' . $user->uid . ' and belongs to group ' . $subuser_group_id . ''); if (!empty($subuser_group_id)) { $subuser_owner_id = db_query("SELECT endpoints_entity_id FROM sen_field_data_endpoints WHERE delta = 1 AND entity_id = :userid", array(":userid" => $subuser_group_id))->fetchField(); if (!empty($subuser_owner_id )) { $family_idsResult = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT e.endpoints_entity_id AS myid, u.name AS myname FROM sen_field_data_endpoints e JOIN sen_relation r ON r.vid = e.entity_id JOIN sen_users u ON u.uid = e.endpoints_entity_id WHERE e.delta = 0 AND r.uid = :userid", array(":userid" => $subuser_owner_id )); $family_ids_count = 1; } } # if the user is part of family, present a list of family members that they can reassign ownership of the Event if ($family_ids_count > 0){ foreach($family_idsResult AS $family_idResult) { #see if show on lists is set to 'show' $show = ''; $show = db_query("SELECT field_family_show_value FROM sen_field_data_field_family_show WHERE entity_id = :userid", array(":userid" => $family_idResult->myid))->fetchField(); print "$family_idResult->myid status is $show
"; if ($show == 'hide'){ }else{ $family_ids[] = $family_idResult->myid; } } $family_ids[] = $subuser_owner_id; }else { print 'No Family Members found. You can use the "Subusers" tab in the Menu to add Family Members but it\'s experimental at this point.'; } } ?>
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