How to add Journal Entries using Google Voice

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Dean Reeds admin
How to add Journal Entries using Google Voice

You can use Google Home / Assistant to create private Journal Entries. Here's how:

Step by step instructions:

  • Invoke Event Logger by saying, "Hey Google, talk to Event Logger." (Google replies, then Event Logger replies)
  • Start a new Journal Entry: "New Journal Entry." (Google replies with, "Mic open...")
  • Record your Journal Entry: eg. "I'm feeling hyped today about work..."
  • Add to your Journal Entry: eg. "Contunue Entry." (Google replies with, "Mic open...")
  • Contunue speaking your Entry. It will be added to the end of your previous statements.
  • Repeat the last two steps as many times as you like.

Short-cut instructions:

Say, "Hey Google, tell Event Logger, new Journal Entry. I woke up feeling anxious."

Fun Stuff: You can also use "Star Trek" mode by saying, "Captain's Log" to startt a new Entry.


Google Home / Assistant can also play back your previous Journal Entries

Say, "Hey Google, tell Event Logger to play back my last Journal Entry."


"Okay Google, tell Event Logger to replay my Journal from last Saturday."

Hint: You can use various other ways of saying the date, such as, "yesterday", "two days ago", "March 1, 2019", etc
