Daily events chart

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DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 20 DAY) ", array(":the_uid" => $user->uid)); foreach ($my_week AS $my_event) { $startDay = date('D, M j', strtotime($my_event->start)); $startHour = date('H', strtotime($my_event->start)); $startMin = date('i', strtotime($my_event->start)); if ( substr($my_event->title, 0, 8) == 'exercise') { $my_event_colour = 'exercise'; }else{ $my_event_colour = $my_event->title ; } if (strlen($my_event->end) > 6) { $endDay = date('D, M j', strtotime($my_event->end)); $endHour = date('H', strtotime($my_event->end)); $endMin = date('i', strtotime($my_event->end)); if ($startDay <> $endDay) { $my_events[] = ' [ \'' . $startDay . '\', \'' . $my_event->title . '\', \'' . $my_event->nid . '\', \'' . $colours[$my_event_colour] . '\', new Date(0,0,0,' . $startHour . ',' . $startMin . ',0), new Date(0,0,0,23,59,59) ]'; $my_events[] = ' [ \'' . $endDay . '\', \'' . $my_event->title . '\', \'' . $my_event->nid . '\', \'' . $colours[$my_event_colour] . '\', new Date(0,0,0,0,0,0), new Date(0,0,0,' . $endHour . ',' . $endMin . ',0) ]'; }else{ $my_events[] = ' [ \'' . $startDay . '\', \'' . $my_event->title . '\', \'' . $my_event->nid . '\', \'' . $colours[$my_event_colour] . '\', new Date(0,0,0,' . $startHour . ',' . $startMin . ',0), new Date(0,0,0,' . $endHour . ',' . $endMin . ',0) ]'; } }else{ $endHour = $startHour; $endMin = $startMin; $my_events[] = ' [ \'' . $startDay . '\', \'' . $my_event->title . '\', \'' . $my_event->nid . '\', \'' . $colours[$my_event_colour] . '\', new Date(0,0,0,' . $startHour . ',' . $startMin . ',0), new Date(0,0,0,' . $endHour . ',' . $endMin . ',0) ]'; } #print "$my_event->nid $my_event->start $startDay $my_event->title $startHour : $startMin and $endHour : $endMin
"; } $my_eventString = implode(',', $my_events); ############################# # RescueTime stuff ############################# $my_key = db_query("SELECT field_profile_rescuetime_key_value FROM sen_field_data_field_profile_rescuetime_key WHERE entity_id = :uid LIMIT 1", array(":uid" => $user->uid ))->fetchField(); if (strlen($my_key) >10 ) { ### skip this whole section if the user has no RT key in their profile $my_start_day = date('Y-m-d', time()); $my_daysago = 20; $my_days = array($my_start_day); for ($x = 1; $x < $my_daysago; $x++) { $y = (-1 * $x) . ' days'; $my_days[] = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($y, strtotime($my_start_day))); } foreach ($my_days AS $my_day) { unset($chunks); $t = 0; for ($x = 0; $x < 288; $x++) { $key = date('H:i', strtotime(date('Y-m-d') . ' + ' . $t . ' minutes')); $chunks[$x] = array($key); $t = $t + 5; } $my_chart_day = date('D, M j', strtotime($my_day)); $url = 'https://www.rescuetime.com/anapi/data?rk=activity&by=interval&i=minute&format=json&rb=' . $my_day . '&re=' . $my_day . '&key=' . $my_key . ''; #print $url; $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $result_rescue = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $result_rescue = str_replace("Gov't", "Govt", $result_rescue); $rescue_data = json_decode($result_rescue, true); #print_r($rescue_data); $rescue_data_count = count($rescue_data["rows"]); #print '
' . $rescue_data_count . '
'; for ($x = 0; $x < $rescue_data_count; $x++) { $my_timechunk_hour = substr($rescue_data["rows"][$x][0], 11, 2); $my_timechunk_minute = substr($rescue_data["rows"][$x][0], 14, 2); $my_index = ($my_timechunk_hour * 12) + ($my_timechunk_minute / 5) ; #print '
' . $my_timechunk_hour . ' - ' . $my_timechunk_minute . ' - ' . $my_index . ''; $my_duration = $rescue_data["rows"][$x][1]; $my_activity = $rescue_data["rows"][$x][3]; $my_category = $rescue_data["rows"][$x][4]; $my_productivity = $rescue_data["rows"][$x][5]; if (!isset($chunks[$my_index]['longest']) ) { $chunks[$my_index]['longest'] = $my_activity . ' (' . $my_duration . ' secs)' ; } $chunks[$my_index]['duration'] = $chunks[$my_index]['duration'] + $my_duration; $chunks[$my_index]['productivity'] = $chunks[$my_index]['productivity'] + ( $my_duration * $my_productivity); $chunks[$my_index]['categories'][$my_category]["duration"] = $chunks[$my_index]['categories'][$my_category]["duration"] + $my_duration; $chunks[$my_index]['categories'][$my_category]["productivity"] = $my_productivity; $chunks[$my_index]['categories'][$my_category]['activities'][$my_activity] = $chunks[$my_index]['categories'][$my_category][$my_activity] + $my_duration; } #print '
#print '
'; $c = 0; $e = 'N'; unset($a); for ($x = 0; $x < 288; $x++) { if ($e == 'Y') { if ($chunks[$x]['duration'] > 60 ) { $a[$c]['duration'] = $a[$c]['duration'] + $chunks[$x]['duration']; $a[$c]['productivity'][] = $chunks[$x]['productivity']; $a[$c]['longest'][] = $chunks[$x]['longest']; foreach ($chunks[$x]['categories'] AS $key=>$value){ $a[$c]['categories'][$key]['duration'] = $a[$c]['categories'][$key]['duration'] + $value['duration']; $a[$c]['categories'][$key]['productivity'] = $value['productivity']; foreach ($chunks[$x]['categories'][$key]['activities'] AS $activity=>$duration){ $a[$c]['categories'][$key]['activities'][$activity] = $a[$c]['categories'][$key]['activities'][$activity] + $duration ; } } }else{ # activity has ended $z = $x - 1; $my_end_trimmed = date("H:i", strtotime($chunks[$z][0]) + $chunks[$z]['duration']); $a[$c]['end'] = $my_end_trimmed; #$a[$c]['end'] = $chunks[$x][0];# the above 3 lines trim the end time $e = 'N'; $c = $c + 1; } }else { # $e == 'N' if ($chunks[$x]['duration'] > 60 ) { $e = 'Y'; $a[$c]['duration'] = $chunks[$x]['duration']; $a[$c]['productivity'][] = $chunks[$x]['productivity']; $a[$c]['longest'][] = $chunks[$x]['longest']; #$my_start_trimmed = date("H:i", strtotime($chunks[$x][0]) + (600 - $chunks[$x]['duration']) ); #$a[$c]['start'] = $my_start_trimmed; $a[$c]['start'] = $chunks[$x][0]; # need to trim the start time foreach ($chunks[$x]['categories'] AS $key=>$value){ $a[$c]['categories'][$key]['duration'] = $a[$c]['categories'][$key]['duration'] + $value['duration']; $a[$c]['categories'][$key]['productivity'] = $value['productivity']; foreach ($chunks[$x]['categories'][$key]['activities'] AS $activity=>$duration){ $a[$c]['categories'][$key]['activities'][$activity] = $a[$c]['categories'][$key]['activities'][$activity] + $duration; } } } } } if ($e == 'Y') { $a[$c]['end'] = '23:59'; } #print '
#print '
'; #print 'a is ' . count($a); unset($my_events); foreach ($a AS $my_event) { $startDay = $my_chart_day; $my_nid = '1111'; $my_event_colour = '#666666'; $startHour = substr($my_event['start'], 0, 2); $startMin = substr($my_event['start'], 3, 2); $endHour = substr($my_event['end'], 0, 2); $endMin = substr($my_event['end'], 3, 2); unset($event_cats); foreach ($my_event['categories'] AS $category=>$values) { $event_cats[$category] = $values['duration']; } arsort($event_cats); $top_events = array_slice($event_cats, 0, 2); unset($ttl); $i = 0; foreach ($top_events AS $key=>$value){ $event_percentage = round(($value / $my_event['duration'] * 100), 0); #print 'percentage is ' . $event_percentage . ''; $ttl[] = $key . ' (' . $event_percentage . '%)'; if ($i == 0 ) {$top_cat = $key;} $i++; } $productivity_avg = array_sum($my_event['productivity']) / $my_event['duration'] ; $my_label = ''; if ($productivity_avg > .8) { $my_label = 'Work: '; $my_event_colour = '#EF5350';} if ($top_cat == 'Video') { $my_label = 'Watching: '; $my_event_colour = '#0288D1';} # print '
#  print_r($top_events);
  $my_title =  $my_label . implode(', ', $ttl);
#  print '
'; $my_events[] = ' [ \'' . $startDay . '\', \'' . $my_title . '\', \'' . $my_nid . '\', \'' . $my_event_colour . '\', new Date(0,0,0,' . $startHour . ',' . $startMin . ',0), new Date(0,0,0,' . $endHour . ',' . $endMin . ',0) ]'; #print "$my_event->nid $my_event->start $startDay $my_event->title $startHour : $startMin and $endHour : $endMin
"; $summary[] = '
' . $my_event['start'] . ' - ' . $my_event['end'] . '
'; } $my_day_events[] = implode(',', $my_events); } $my_eventStringRT = implode(',', $my_day_events); #print $my_eventStringRT; } ?>
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Event Loggers is the world's most flexible system for journaling, life-logging, and personal event tracking.

Some people use it to track health issues, others use it as a food diary or as a digital journaling platform.

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